Current Compos
Starting at the letter 'T' at the top left hand corner, travel around this spiral grid replacing all the missing letters to give you the titles of 12 movies, then marry the actors in the list below the grid with the movie title. For each complete movie/actor pairing you get correct you receive 1 Cluedo Point up to a maximum of 12 with a bonus of 2 for getting all the pairings correct..


Denzil Washington

Mel Gibson

Gene Hackman

Sean Connery

Marlon Wayans

Tom Cruise

Christopher Lambert

Paul Newman

Helen Hunt

Dennis Quaid

Arnold Schwartzenegger

Wesley Snipes


Go ahead and solve the clues below and enter your answers in the grid, but be aware that all your answers must go in the grid in a clockwise direction except the four words that cross the puzzle itself, (1,2,12 & 16)


1. A load to bear
2. National song of devotion
3. Sail boat
4. Make physical contact with
5. Strong reddish brown
6. Mixture of metals
7. Branch of maths
8. Sexual toys
9. Type of nut
10. Blinded
11. Person on the move carrying what he needs in a bag
12. Governmental administrative unit
13. Infusion with carbon dioxide
14. A hundred meters
15. Vicious, vile action arousing disgust.

