Mastermind Board


How it works
Welcome Borgatans!


Some of you may have played this game before and others may not, eitherway you need to read this so you are familiar with how our version of the game will be played.

Mastermind is basically a game of logic but doesn't necessarily mean you need to be a logical geek to solve it, and that's what I like....


You will all be presented with the Mastermind board, blank to begin with obviously! And your task will be to guess the color code that has been chosen prior to the start of the game. You will as a player get one guess at the 4, 5 or 6 color sequence. The number of players per game is up to 8 and each player will take their turns in sequence. Player 1 first, player 2 second etc.

When it's your turn, you can send your guess in to me in the following format or similar:

1. Blue, 2. Yellow 3. Blue 4. Green

Once your guess is recieved, this will be reflected on the board for all to see, along with a record of the result to let you know how good your guess was.

For example:

Let's say the above graphic shows part of the board showing your guess -
1. Blue 2. Yellow 3. Blue and 4. Green.

To the right hand side of your guess, I may enter number 1 under "CORRECT" and number 2 under "PARTIAL". What this means is that 1 color is correct and in the correct position, and you have 2 correct colors but in the wrong positions, so you know you have guessed 3 out of the 4 colors correctly and managed to get one color in the correct position, it's as simple as that!

You will need to get your answers in as quickly as you can, because I'll be looking for the first correct entry, who will then be allowed to submit their guess for that round.
The winner will be the one who guesses the color code first. There will be a maximum of 10 guesses allowed on the standard board, should anyone guess the color code correctly on the first guess, they will win the maximum prize which, for this edition of Borgata Mastermind, will be 1,000 points - should the code not be guessed in the first attempt, the quantity of the prize will be reduced by 100 for each subsequent guess up to the final guess allowed, so it would be in your best interest to guess the correct color code as quickly as possible to get the highest return.
Should the code not be guessed in the final attempt, the code is scrubbed and a new code will be randomly selected and the game re-starts from scratch offering another set of 10 guesses. The prize may or may not be repeated.
That's it!



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