MeqL Documents

Combat Calculation


{MeqL} Headquarters


Okay, people are confused how 'combat' is calculated. Here it is again for you, from the top. Every 'fight' off the fight list or hit list is done by comparing a couple numbers, your fight ability vs the other guy's fight... ability plus a small random number. The fight ability is determined by a couple things.

When you fight, you and 500 of your best-est of mafia pals go to the rumble. That's fine and well but no one brings anything but fists with them. So you need to equip yourself and them with weapons. And since no one goes there to the fight on foot, a vehicle each. Oh, and you might want to give them armor, so you need to equip them with some kind of armor too. And now everyone likes animals too, so you have to bring an animal to show off too. The attack value of each of those things is totaled up when you attack and the defense value totaled up when you defend. Which value you use is dependent on if you are attacking or defending. When you're on the fight page, this max number displays in the window next to a shield for defense and an eight pointed orange-ish star for your attack.

But wait, like a bad TV ad, there's more!

Each of the mafia with you is multiplied times your attack OR defense skill depending on which you are doing. When attacking, you get up to (limited by how many mafia you have) 501 (you count too!) times your attack, and when defending 501 times your defense. So if you have a 10 value in your skill you would have number of mafia times 10 plus your equipment.

And there's more to it than that. Each point of your bodyguard or buttonman (top mafia) is added to your basic attack or defense BEFORE it's used to multiply. Also any boost that you can use (Boosts are a one time use item). These values are displayed on your fight page (full total including best boost for next use) next to the star and shield for your skills.

So when you start to look at your skills, you will start to see something about them compared to the equipment value.

1 skill point is worth the number of mafia you have in the fight. If you can bring 501 to a fight, that's 501. When your skill is 10, you get 5010 attack points in the fight. When you have 100, it's 50100. It's pretty easy to see that increasing your skill is more critical than getting the top equipment. Any job that gets you skill points in the end is more precious than a simple equipment item.

When you have skills close to your opponent's, the difference in equipment will tell. But mostly what you will see is your skills making the difference in fights.

Cheap easy to complete jobs giving you skills are good to complete. Turning in reward points for things that do not get you skill points is not particularly beneficial. Ultimately what gets you the best result is going to be the skill points.











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