MeqL Documents

Useful Info & Links




Mafia Wars 1 & 2 Wall Filters

These links will filter everything on your wall to ONLY show MW posts... great idea to 'bookmark' in your favorites for easy use.

MW -->

MW 2 -->


Tweaked Chucker:

This is more of a clone of the original Chucker, but with some nice little tweaks and covers all the loot missed by the original.



FB Mafiawars Addon For Greasemonkey

FB MafiaWars Addon for Greasemonkey userscript is simple to install, but remember you must have Greasemonkey installed. Just click on the 'Install' button and a window will pop up, choose to install, and Greasemonkey will fetch the script and install it for you...that's it.



Have Timeline and your posts are all clumped together lost on your wall?

-> Did you know if you revoke MW publishing, you will get ingame pop ups for everything and thus be able to comment on all MW posts before they get posted to your timeline and that will cause them to stand out as an independent post? Pretty Cool!

To do this:
go to account settings - apps - MW edit - there are two options that will be checked for MW to auto publish. Remove "Post to Facebook", and "Publish games and app activity" 

You will now get regular popups in the game, like the old days. The only minor drawback is occasionally you will get an ingame notification from Zynga wanting permission to auto post again; just ignore it. No big deal

Just remember, You MUST write something in the comment area of the post before publishing in order for it to display independently on your wall.

-> Visit friends who have Timeline and can't find their MW posts?

You can install an extension on your browser that can help! Just use this handy link to check it out and then just use the simple tutorial they provide to walk you through it! Also super simple but does not work with Explorer. how-to-get-rid-of-facebook-time line-bring-back-a-simpler-prof ile-view

Thanks go out to Joanne Swanson for the info.
19th Feb 2012




Here are some interesting possible workarounds to the constant begging for property build parts. Worth a read.... scripts/property-hack/

Another simple if not more fidgety method is this:

Open 5 or 6 windows in mafia wars... then click on ask for any part once in each window in turn. You will need to do this quickly before any of the pages has time to do any refreshing. Then in the final window ask for a random part. You may want to shorten each link and list them all together. This will shaves days off your building...and begging!! :o)

If you have MW Addon, there is a plugin that shortens links and makes this manoeuvre a far easier one.

Don't click this link until you have installed FB MWAddon:

Video to set up war filters in FB MWAddon Home Feed center F6GZGBsdi



install spock toolbar or just install individual bookmarklet

Spockholm Mafia Tools - Official Bookmarklets
Install bookmarklets by dragging and dropping on to your bookmark toolbar at the top of your browser window. Most bookmarklets are auto-updating. (Local) you must update manually.


How to install the Spockholm Toolbar in Chrome version 21+

1. Download the extension file from the website and save it to your computer (right click, save file as),

2. Click the wrench icon on the browser toolbar.
3. Select Tools > Extensions.
4. Locate the extension file on your computer and drag the file onto the Extensions page.

Note that the filename needs to be intact. 
If you have previously downloaded the file, Chrome adds (1) to the name and will break things.

A guide with pictures: detailed instructions.

Using Tampermonkey will work too, but is not necessary.

Why so complicated?
Chrome updated their security policies, you can read more here

Basically, greasemonkey scripts are no longer 1-click install. Script files needs to be loaded from a https source if you are using that protocol.
Overriding the https source can be done via the command line flag:













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